Tuesday, November 6, 2007

L.ROOT-SERVERS.NET server changed IP address

DNS name servers that don't forward their requests to other DNS servers, need to know some of the IP addresses of the root name servers in order to find their way to the rest of the information. They either have this knowledge built-in or use an external file containing an initial mapping.

The L.ROOT-SERVERS.NET root name server changed its IP address, and hence some updating to the hints could be useful.

Getting an up to date file:
  • $ dig @A.ROOT-SERVERS.NET. . ns > root.hint
  • Windows based DNS setups can update it by running the "Configure a DNS Server" wizard and selecting "Configure root hints only".

Consider it an opportunity to verify your name server software is up to date on patches and perhaps to learn a few interesting bits on how the DNS system works.

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